Created by Michael Sanchez, a member of the Unicorn Innovations. | The Google Sheets version can be found here.

<aside> 💡 Below are the steps you need to know in order to use this notion to the fullest extent.


  1. Go to the top right corner and hit “duplicate to save a copy of this in your notion.
  2. The first column (Intro Hooks) is the Hook formula to use for your videos.
  3. The second column (Example) is the example we provided for you to go off of.
  4. The third column (Your Idea) is where you will write your custom ideas for your videos.

<aside> 🤑 **Looking for more ways to grow you business with TikTok? Check out our most popular resources below:

→ Social Trends-** Viral Trends, Hooks, Ad Breakdowns & ChatGPT Prompts That Will Save You Time & Make Your Ads More Profitable → TikTok Ads Accelerator - Discover How We Scale The Top 1% of Brands On TikTok! **→ Unicorn Traffic** - One of the world's biggest and most in-demand ad agencies.


🔵 300 Business Hooks

🔴 300 UGC Hooks

🟢 300 Influencer Hooks